Sunday, October 01, 2006

Working for a Living

I've been back to work for barely one month and I've already been sick twice. I guess that's what happens when you work around a bunch of snot-nosed little kids. In the first week I gave out more bandaids than I did in three years at the highschool. When I do noon hour supervision the little girls come running up to complain "he's following us" or "they won't leave us alone" yet if you watch you can see they're "leading the boys on". Good grief. These kids are 6-10 years old. Poor boys just don't have a chance from the get-go do they?

I really like this job, though. The staff is great and the principal/vp are so nice to work with. I should have taken this job when it came up as a permanent, but, it's less than full time and I just bought back a bunch of pensionable time so I can retire early - why defeat the purpose of that now by working less than full time? I didn't know if I would like it either. I guess I was a little afraid to take the risk of getting stuck in a job I don't like. There are fewer and fewer clerical positions in the district these days and I feel like wherever I go I could be stuck there for quite a while. At least now I know that I do like it so if I have an opportunity to change I'll know what I'm getting into.

I may be changing jobs again next week. There's another temporary available at the middle school. It's full-time, and the pay is better again than the job I'm doing now so I've put my name in for it. I have mixed feelings about it though. I really like it where I am right now and I'll feel bad if I have to leave them in a lurch, but with Don's job up in the air I really feel like I have to take this opportunity if I can. It would mean an extra $1000 between now and Christmas. Hard to believe it can make that much difference, but it does. If I don't get it I have one month left at Maquinna, and I guess the girl I'm covering for will be back. I thought she might extend her leave, but apparently not. You never know what's going to happen though! Change is in the air.


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