Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Well, I'm still home sick. This totally sucks! I can't believe how crappy I feel. Today is Tuesday and I've been sick since Friday afternoon. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I still feel dizzy if I try to move around too much. I really feel like I have to go back to work though - I've already missed two days and there's things to be done! I hope they have someone covering for me.....

Well, I didn't get that other job - and really, I'm relieved! I like it where I am so I didn't really want the change. I'd feel like I was letting everybody down and making things difficult for them. Now I'll have another month at least to get everything organized there and leave it in good shape should the girl I'm covering for actually come back at the beginning of November. Besides - I'm planning something for Hallowe'en! I want to visit the kindergarten class and teach them the little pumpkin song!

Can't wait!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things just keep turning out for the best. You and your job situation, me and my job situation, I'm sure everything will fall into place for Rachel soon.

That's really cool you are going to the Kindergarten class and teaching the pumpkin song! That song was so cool. I hope you still have the glove with the pumpkin heads on it!

Becky xox
PS Feel better soon!

6:38 AM  

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